
What is dokt?

The Doctoral Student Guild is the Guild for all third-cycle students at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University.


Dokt is a part of Teknologkåren (TLTH), which is the Student Union for all students at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University.


What does Teknologkåren do for you?

  • Represents you at Faculty level

  • Represents you at University level through LUS

  • Represents you at national level through SFS

  • Shows you potential futures through the career fair ARKAD and other company related events

  • Makes your studies more fun with social activities

Read more about Teknologkåren.

What does Dokt do for you?

  • Represents you at Department and Faculty level through Teknologkåren

  • Coordinates doctoral student representatives

  • Works proactively to improve your research education

  • Runs projects to improve your situation as a doctoral student

  • Makes your studies more fun with social activities

Read more about what Dokt does.


phd education Focus matters

Every year, Dokt has a few focus matters for improving the PhD education. The purpose of the PhD education focus matters is to have a clear focus and to be able to work proactively with a few matters to be able to influence the University and Faculty agendas at all fronts. During spring 2020, the following subjects are chosen by the members to be the most important ones.

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Become a member

By becoming a member, you get the opportunity to participate in all activities arranged by Dokt and Teknologkåren and support us in our mission to improve the research education at LTH.


Why should you become a member?

The Student Union and Dokt work for the rights of all PhD students at LTH, whether you are a member or not. However, your membership strengthens the Student Union in negotiations with the university and helps funding projects and events for PhD students.

  • Vote in the Guild Assembly

  • Possibility to influence the political agenda

  • Discount at Lophtet for your dissertation party

  • Support our mission to improve the research education

  • Participate in Guild and Student Union activities

  • Get a social context together with your peers


Get involved

Through Dokt, you have the possibility to improve the research education. Find out how it works and what you can do!


I am interested! How can i get involved?

If your interest in becoming a volunteer of the Guild, contact the President for further information.

If your interest in becoming a student representative, contact the Student Representative Coordinator for further information.

If you want to start a project, contact the Project Coordinator for further information.

You can also find current information at our Facebook page.

What can you be involved in?

  • As a volunteer in one of the bodies of the Guild

  • As a student representative in a board or committee at LTH

  • As a student representative in a board or committee at LU

  • Start a project of your choice!

For further information about the different positions, please read here.