The difficult part of doing a PhD should not be to find applicable regulations and who to contact in case of problem. Here we help you to answer the question of where to go with different problems that you might face and guide you through the jungle of of information that is applicable to your research education and employment at LTH. Is something missing? Let us know!
Here you can read about
The Doctoral Student Ombudsperson (DOMB)
Important documents for PhD students
The doctoral Student ombudsperson
Haro de grauw
The Doctoral Student Ombudsperson (DOMB) is mandated to assist doctoral students at Lund University when they run into challenges concerning third cycle studies. No matter how small or how serious the problem is, you can get support from the DOMB at no additional cost. The DOMB is a service provided by Lund's Doctoral Student Union (LDK) in special agreement with TLTH.
What the DOMB Does
The role of the Doctoral Student Ombudsperson (DOMB) is to support and guide the unions and students who feel that the University officials have acted in violation of doctoral students’ rights. The service offered by the DOMB can include everything from information and advice to investigations and to act as a representative or facilitator in contacts with the university. You choose if you just want to inform yourself of your rights or if you also want the DOMB’s help to place a formal complaint with the relevant authorities.
The DOMB is sworn to secrecy (You can read the DOMB's Confidentiality and Data Handling Policies here). Nothing will be conducted in your case without your consent. The concrete work of the DOMB is documented annually in the DOMB Case Report.
The DOMB case report for 2019/20 can be found here.
How the DOMB is Organised
The Doctoral Student Ombudsperson (DOMB) is a function within the Lund Doctoral Student Union (LDK). The DOMB has the responsibility to supervise doctoral students’ rights and the person who holds this office is appointed by the LDK assembly to a full time position for an indefinite period of time. The concrete tasks of the DOMB are defined in the DOMB's Activity Plan. The DOMB service is provided to all doctoral students at Lund University (irrespective of union membership). The concrete work of the DOMB is documented annually in the DOMB Case Report.
History of the DOMB
The office of the Doctoral Student Ombudsperson (DOMB) has a long and distinguished history at Lund University. As an example the former University Chancellor Lars Haikola has held the office. As an institution, it even predates the current organization of student unions at Lund University.
Current Staff
The current holder of the office of Doctoral Ombudsperson is Haro de Grauw, who was appointed to the position in May 2022 through a special agreement between LDK and TLTH (the two student unions that gather and represent doctoral students at Lund University).
Important documents for phd students
National: PhD education is regulated in Högskoleförordningen, and an English translation are available at this link.
Lund University: Regulations in English
Faculty of Engineering: Regulations in English
Being employed
Guide for new employees: Lund University has summarised some information that may be good to know as a new employee here.
Employment benefits: Information about employment benefits at Lund University can be found here.
Etapplyft/Salary appraisals: When you have finished 60, 120 and 180 credits of your doctoral studies, you are entitled to a salary raise called etapplyft. Read about it here, and apply for it using this form.
Master thesis collaboration: Guidelines for collaborations between MSc students and doctoral students
being a student
Individual study plan (ISP): Your ISP should be updated yearly, in accordance with these instructions.
Ethical guidelines: LTH has ethical guidelines for the relationship between supervisors and doctoral students, that you and your supervisor must read and understand before signing your first ISP.
Changing supervisor: Guidelines for doctoral students and supervisors on conflict management and change of supervisor are available here.
Course database: This link is useful for finding courses given at other departments at LTH.
Registration: You have to register yourself as a student each semester if you intend to actively pursue your PhD studies at Lund University.