Here we tell you more about what we do, and also when you need to ask your question to another party. We explain how it is all connected and how you can get involved and influence the organisations and the research education!
Here you can read about
What Dokt does (and does not do)
Dokt as a part of the student voice
The Dokt organisation
Regulatory and meeting documents
What you can be involved in
Information for student representatives
Start a project!
What dokt does
The Doctoral Student Guild is the Guild for all third-cycle students at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. Dokt is a part of the Student Union, Teknologkåren (TLTH). Through the Student Union, Dokt has been given the mission to represent all the PhD students at the Faculty of Engineering; a mission that we try to pursue in the best way we can.
Our aim is to improve the research education as well as the situation for doctoral students. By being represented in decision-making bodies throughout the faculty, we have a real opportunity to make our voices heard and to actually influence the agendas of the university and thereby, being able to make a difference. To increase our impact we do our best to coordinate the doctoral student representatives and have a clear political agenda to be able to work proactively to improve the research education. The agenda is set by our members in order to be relevant and solve the most important issues.
The time as a doctoral student is about more than only the education, which is why we also work on other projects to improve your situation as a doctoral student. The activities could be related to personal development, helping you discover what the future could bring you as well as making your time as a PhD student a bit more fun by providing a social context with your peers.
Every year, the members of Dokt decide about a plan of operations that the Guild Board and Student Council should focus on. Here you can find the current plan of operations.
Anything that you think that we should do but are not doing at the time? Please let us know!
What Dokt does not do, but we know who can help you
Questions regarding your membership in the Student Union and Dokt? Contact Teknologkåren (TLTH)!
PhD student at another faculty at Lund University? Please reach out to our friends in LDK.
Want to be in the queue for AFB or participate in nation activities? Studentlund can help you with that, just mention that you are from the Faculty of Engineering and everything will be great.
DOKT as a part of the student voice
Doctoral student at LTH: That is you! As a doctoral student at any of the departments belonging to LTH you can choose to become a member of Dokt.
Departments: As a doctoral student at LTH you are an employee at one of the 19 departments.
Faculty of Engineering (LTH): Although being a separate institution when first founded, LTH is now a part of the broad university.
Lund University (LU): One of the oldest university in Sweden, consisting of nine faculties.
Swedish government: In the end, the university is a governmental institution and the Swedish parliament decides about the research education regulations.
Doktorandsektionen (Dokt): That is us! Being a Guild under TLTH, we got the mission to represent doctoral students at LTH.
Teknologkåren (TLTH): The Student Union representing all students at the Faculty of Engineering and organised in different Guilds.
Lunds Universitets Studentkårer (LUS): The umbrella organsation for all student unions at the university.
Sveriges Förenade Studentkårer (SFS): The umbrella organisation for all student unions in Sweden, working on a national level.
The dokt organisation
Guild Assembly: The Guild Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the Guild and consists of all members of the Guild. The Guild Assembly is authorized to make decisions regarding all Guild activities and in all issues concerning its own members.
Guild Board: The Board is the highest executive body of the Guild, and the highest decision-making body between Guild Assembly meetings. The Board should serve the interests of the members of the Guild in regards to research education, the situation of doctoral students, and related issues. The Board consists of five board members with different responsibilities.
Student Council: The Student Council is a platform where current issues regarding research education and the situation of doctoral students are addressed. The Student Council should also work proactively with identifying and addressing particularly important issues. The Student Council should serve the interests of the doctoral students at LTH in regards to research education, the situation of doctoral students, and related issues. The Student Council consists of the Board members, the student representatives in LTH central bodies that are ordinary members of the Guild and additional members.
Anchoring Council: The Anchoring Council is a platform where the opinions of doctoral students at LTH in issues regarding research education and the situation of doctoral students should be collected and discussed. The Anchoring Council consists of the members of the Student Council and student representatives in LTH department boards that are ordinary members of the Guild.
Auditors: The Auditors should audit the book-keeping, operation and administration of the Guild.
Inspector: The Inspector should give attention to and support anything related to the activities of the Guild.
Election Committee: The Election Committee is responsible for collecting and nominating candidates for volunteer positions at the Guild.
Project Committees: Project Committees are responsible for the tasks that they have been assigned by the Board or by the Guild Assembly upon establishment.
Regulatory and meeting documents
what you can be involved in
As a volunteer in one of the bodies of the Guild
During the spring Guild Assembly meeting every year, new volunteers of the Guild are elected. The nomination for the positions is handled by the Nomination Committee. A more detailed description of the positions can be found here.
As a student representative in a board or committee at LTH
During a Representative Council meeting at Teknologkåren (TLTH) every year, new student representatives for the boards and committees at LTH is elected. The nomination for the positions is handled by the Student Representative Coordinator. The elected candidates are later ratified as members of the Student Council of Dokt. A more detailed description of the boards and committees can be found here.
Information for student representatives
Student representatives are an important part of Dokt and the united student voice!
As a student representative, you are elected by the Student Union. They have an opinion document regarding research education which you can find here. Unfortunately it is still only in Swedish but an English version is coming.
Do you have any further questions? Contact the Student Representative Coordinator!
Start a project!
Over the course of your PhD journey, you would have come across non-scholastic activities you wanted to pursue. It could be something co-curricular, something that made life easier or just more fun; be it start-up pitch, pub borrel, lunch lectures or meet and greet with industries.
At Dokt, we are always on a look out for these kind of member driven projects. We have infinite budget, best practices, and infrastructure in place to take your idea from inception to completion. So, do reach out to our Project Coordinator for further information!